Westridge Auburn (Calla Crest) HOA Enforcement Policy for CC&R Non Compliance:
First notice.
Notice of violation letter - No fine. 48 hours to 30 days (time will vary depending on nature of violation and will be noted in the individual letter) to rectify the violation or appeal the notice. If the notice is not appealed within 48 hours, the following schedule will apply.
Second notice.
Reminder of violation letter – No fine. 48 hours to 30 days (again, time will vary depending on nature of violation and will be noted in the individual letter) to remedy or fine will be imposed.
Third notice.
Continued violation notice and $50.00 fine/assessment within 48 hours to 15 days (time will vary depending on nature of violation and will be noted in the individual letter) to remedy or additional fine will be imposed.
Fourth thru Sixth notices.
Continued violation notice issued each 30-day period homeowner remains in violation, and doubling of the fine with each notice up to $400.00.
Note: Any fine amount over $50.00 shall be recorded against the property as a continuing lien. In addition to the assessed fine amount(s), the homeowner is responsible for all costs associated with said lien, and is subject to the provisions of the CC&R’s.
Continued violation beyond sixth notice.
For each additional month an additional $100.00 will accrue until the violation has been corrected and the fine paid in full.
Repeated Violations
If the same violation occurs within a 12-month period of time from the most recent notice of the original violation, this new violation will be treated in accordance with the above policy to be determined by the actual number of previous notices sent and fines will be assessed where applicable.
Appeal Process
If a homeowner feels that the violation is not legitimate, or feels that clarification of the violation is necessary, they must submit an appeal in writing within 48 hours after the notice of violation.
If the ruling on the appeal is in favor of the homeowner, then a notice of resolution will be issued to the homeowner.
If the ruling on the appeal is not in favor of the homeowner, they are subject to afore mentioned fine schedule. The time will begin to accrue again from the point at which it was suspended, upon official notice to the homeowner of the board’s decision.
When an appeal is presented the appeal will taken to a representative from the Board within 14-days after receiving the appeal by Management. A ruling will be rendered at this time unless extenuating circumstances cause a delay, and the homeowner will be notified in writing of the outcome.
The ruling of the board is binding. However the homeowner may choose to pursue relief at their own expense.
Appeals should be in writing and mailed to:
Westridge Auburn Homeowners Association
PO Box 9797,
Covington, WA 98042-0077